Lightspeed Theme Mandrill documentation

All the images within Theme Mandrill do not have fixed ratio, because Theme Mandrill is fully responsive.

The headline and banner images scales are chosen depending on the selected screen size and aspect ratio, and serve as background image. The images are scaled such that at a smaller viewing ratio parts are cut off. For that reason, we recommend to not insert text in the image, but rather to use the text fields in settings. We also recommend centering the most important content in the image as much as possible and using a minimum width of 2,500 pixels, so that large images can also be displayed well on large screens. In addition, you determine the final size of the image yourself. For mobile and tablet in an upright relationship, we have also created separate input fields for the headlines. Again, there is no fixed ratio here, but you can use 800 x 600 mega pixels as a starting point.

The same goes for product images; they are also automatically scaled, but will not cut off. As a starting point, you can use the following pixel ratios: 300 x 300 (square), 400 x 300 (horizontal) and 300 x 400 (vertical). For category images on category overviews and the homepage, you can use a pixel ratio of 500 x 350.

Banner and headline images would sometimes take a long time to be visible on the front-end. This should be solved.
The price slider on collection pages wasn't working on some mobile devices, we've solved that.
We've added payment icons for INGhomepay and Cartesbancaires.


  • General

  • Header

  • Homepage structure

  • Homepage headline settings

  • Homepage banners

  • Custom blog

  • Homepage products

  • Collection

  • Sidebar

  • Catalog

  • Product detail page

  • Footer

  • Newsletter popup


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